Also, we're touring the east coast in September:
09/09 - Bethlehem, PA @ Secret Arts Space w/ Ninjessa
09/10 - Philadelphia, PA @ TWOB House w/ Black Kites, Cop Problem, Hazards
09/11 - New Brunswick, NJ @ the Alamo w/ Sonofabitch, Captive
09/12 - Brooklyn, NY
09/13 - Hartford, CT
09/14 - Allston, MA @ the Whacky Kastle w/ Skvlt
09/15 - Amherst, MA @ Dad City w/ Vaccine, Sonofabitch, Honeysuck, Rapture Ready
09/16 - Syracuse, NY @ Badlands w/ Vaccine, Hunted Down
09/17 - Buffalo, NY @ Sugar City w/ KDC
If you'd like to help with any of the dates, please e-mail grinandbearithc@gmail.com.
Other upcoming shows:
08/16 - Sandusky, OH @ Cheap Seats w/ Total Defeat, Bookslave
08/25 - Cleveland, OH @ Now That's Class w/ Victims, Masakari, Pigsticker, Gentlemen's Club